Returning Employee Orientation Form

Payroll RegistrationStep 1 of 3
If YES, please fill out this form and provide us with CURRENT / UPDATED information. If NO, please fill our the NEW employee orientation. CONFIRM this with APX HR before proceeding.
Has your address changed? If yes, please provide your new address.
Has your email changed? if yes, please provide your new email address.
Has your phone number changed? If yes, please provide your new email address.
Do not fill this out if you do not have a driver’s license. Please do not fill this out if you have already provided APX with your driver’s license. CONFIRM this with APX HR.
Province of Driver’s License other than Alberta. Leave blank if you do not have an out-of-province license.
Do not fill this out, if you do not have a driver’s license. Do not fill this out if you have an Alberta license.

Banking Information

Has your banking information changed? If YES, please provide NEW banking information.
Transit number is 5 digits.
Institution number is 3 digits.
Account number maybe between 7 – 12 digits.

Emergency Contact

Who We Are

Under new ownership since 2020, APX Landscaping & Nurseries Ltd. is now operating as APX Services and APX Airport Services. Our refreshed logos and distinct brands reflect our unique offering provided to governments, airports, and corporate clients. Green and light infrastructure asset maintenance requires a deep understanding a complex set of variables our clients must navigate to preserve and enhance value for their stakeholders — which ultimately includes each of us, our families, and our life enjoyment.